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What is Lexicography?

 Lexicography is the practice and study of creating dictionaries. A lexicographer is a person who writes or compiles dictionaries, and the process of creating a dictionary is known as lexicography. The first known dictionary was created by the ancient Greeks in the 3rd century BC. This was a work called the “Etymologiae”, which was written by the Greek scholar, Hesiod. However, the first modern dictionary, which was based on the scientific method, was created by Samuel Johnson in 1755. It was called "A Dictionary of the English Language." This work was the result of over a decade of research and was considered the standard reference for the English language for over a century. Creating a dictionary is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a great deal of expertise and attention to detail. The first step in lexicography is to collect a large number of words and their meanings. This can be done by consulting other dictionaries, as well as by reading books, news